Saturday, March 20, 2010


|məˈlāz; -ˈlez|


a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify : a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise | a general air of malaise.
The occupants of this apartment are suffering from severe malaise. Symptoms include lying for long periods of time on pillows and staring at ceilings. Or if one is a toddler, purposeless whining and wandering about in only diapers.
The resident head nurse blames the hot weather. I don't disagree. I just want it to go away. I'm opposed to any discomfort, illness, or uneasiness that decreases toddler nap times.


Corri said...

I'm sorry. How hot is it?

Jo Lynn said...

Oh no, that sounds terrible! Sending a rain storm with cold weather your way!!!

PS thanks for the comment on my blog, made my day!

Carrie G said...

Hot sucks.