The front of the T-shirt gives the mathematical equation for drug less happiness:
Life - Drugs = Freedom
We hope the converse isn't true (as pointed out by our middle school neighbor):
Life = Freedom + Drugs
Maggie came home doubly excited by the news that she, "out of the whole elementary school" won first place in the poster contest. She said some of the other posters were disqualified because it was too obvious that an older brother or sister had helped them. Her poster said, "At WCA we say drugs go away!" Pretty clever, huh? She won 200 taka (not quite three dollars) and is planning on saving it for something special.
It sounds like there was a little program about drug avoidance given by the high school drama class. I asked what Maggie learned and she said, "Well, I'm definitely not going to drink drugs." So I think it was successful.
Way to go, Mugs. Do we get to see the poster?
I didn't see the mathmatical equation on the shirt and thought it just said Life, Drugs, Freedom. Glad you clarified.
Congrats, Maggie!!!!
Sometimes being a son of a mathematician doesn't do the middle schooler any good.
She sure looks like you in this picture Andra :)Hope you are all doing well,
the Kramer Hawks clan
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