Monday, October 27, 2008


While we were in Davis we always wondered why the Asian population there seemed to always walk or bike in the middle of the street. Sometimes there would be a group, walking or biking together, that would take up the whole street. It seemed that no matter what came up behind them (car, bus, truck…) they would hold their course and amazingly seem totally oblivious that something wanted to pass them by. I think I finally understand!! That’s totally the way you go down the street around here. There is a general understanding about what side of the street you should be on, but nothing that can’t be ignored if you’re really in a hurry. The way the cars and buses get through is by honking loudly and, magically, people move out of their way. It's amazing how well this system works. After a few weeks of this I no longer jump out of my skin when a bus honks right behind me and then speeds by with inches to spare. Still, I realize that I'm probably a bit of a menace here since there are nuances to the system that I'm still figuring out (like how to cross the street).
So I want to apologize to anyone in Davis that I was secretly annoyed with for not getting out of my way when I was driving. I'm sorry I creeped along behind you like a menacing snail. I understand now.


Jaypi Duong said...

Hi Andra.I am Phuong.I created my own account on blogspot so we can keep in touch esier and I can practice my E more :)

Jo Lynn said...

So funny, I get so annoyed ALL the time here in Davis for this exact reason. Mmm, maybe should we say a lesson on patience? Thanks for the post and good luck crossing the street, LOL!

Bonnie Weeks said...

Wow. That happens almost every day on the South side of Orchard Park. I try and avoid that street (which you couldn't avoid) just so I don't have to try and share with the bikes. Good to know it's not really done on purpose. Do they think we're rude for NOT honking...hmmm?