Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rickshaw Ride

The good:
environmentally friendly

The bad:
tiny seat
bumpy ride
feeling bad for the poor bloke pulling you along

The ugly:
they're a mite unsteady
sometimes stop or turn suddenly depositing passengers on the road,
possibly in front of other traffic

Not our favorite way to get around but rickshaws still rule the streets around here. Bryce and the kids took the camera to try to get a sense of the ride and the sights around town. Thought you might like to see some of it.

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Honeycombs said...

Well I must say that your blog is almost as exciting as The Amazing Race without any of the competition. I am excited to play Settlers with you next summer at the family reunion or when you live with us the month of June??Right? I know you want to stay in our tiny little place with all 4 of your children.

mthmm said...

Love the pics, particularly the first long-arm one. Caught the feeling of the street.

Blevins Family said...

Sounds and looks like a precarious ride! Thanks for updating your blog so often. I love looking at it!

Shoecrazy Sue said...

Amazing pics! It looks like a rikshaw ride is an adventure not to be missed. I could feel the street with your description of your roof top patio and Titus and Mag look so cute in their uniforms!

Carrie G said...

they are so ornately painted- it's interesting. I think that you guys are living in a very foreign place.