Monday, September 15, 2008

To Market

We have started buying produce at the open market. There are two near the guest house where we’re staying. Both are crowded with vendors and hung with a patchwork of tarp awnings to keep out the sun and rain. Our system for buying things usually includes pointing, shrugging, nodding (or shaking), and smiling (and more smiling). I think I say “okay” a lot because all of the women say that to me now when I come. There are some things that I’ve learned about shopping in the open market:
1. Make sure Enzo has a hat and pants on. A scantily clad baby is a sure way to get yourself yelled at by the well meaning aunties.
2..Keep your children close. We’re used to people trying to take Enzo away but in the market Maggie has been seized twice and today a tiny woman attempted to pick up Titus and walk off with him (she did manage to get him off the ground). I know they mean this innocently but it turns out the kids don’t like being absconded with.
3. Be flexible. Who knows what will be for sale? Today it sure wasn’t bananas.


Phoebe said...

That chubby baby face is to die for!
I love that everyone is always yelling at you. I guess you just get used to it since you don't understand what they are saying.

APKH said...

Seriously, they try to TAKE the kids? I think I would totally freak on anyone who tried that...

What was for sale today?

Andra said...

It's funny because they seem to start walking away as if they're going home with my children...but they never go far. The crazy maternal part of me still worries that this might be the time they do decide to go too far. I like it when Bryce comes because he's more comfortable being a tiny bit rude.